Who we are... - Détours Madagascar
Who we are...

Who we are...

Détours Madagascar is an adventure, an exciting challenge for its team of travel lovers, all professionals in the tourism sector, putting their expertise to the traveller’s service for a tailor-made trip, fitting your expectations. We work for the enhancement of the exceptional diversity and of the unknown faces of Madagascar, offering itineraries chiselled with patience and passion, created by truly curious and responsible travellers. Inspired by a wide spectrum of unique experiences, we mean to guide you into untouched universes, which invite us to many trips, far away from mass tourism. Together, we aim to give sense to our trips, in a responsible and sustainable way. Our regular tours, just like our tailor-made itineraries, are focused on discovery, exploration and passing on knowledge. They combine the host’s respect with discovering specific cultures, punctuated by an inviting spirit of adventure. Our credo is to narrow the distance between the traveller and the field, for you to make the most out of your experience: with well-crafted itineraries, a travel diary delivered before departure, and our responsiveness in case of unforeseen events. Calling for Détours Madagascar to tailor your trip, is the insurance of fully benefiting from our unfailing knowledge on field, our recognized expertise, and for you to deal with one of Madagascar’s specialist agency.  

Détours Madagascar is a recognized Malagasy society,

Licence B, N° 061-13/Minitour
Enregistrée N° RCS : 2013B00700, NIF : 5 001 418 979, N° STAT : 79110 11 2013 0 10890 Professionnal Liability ARO RCP Police N° : 619970, Assuré N° : B 7343
Lie a ce conseil de voyage
Parfum the Mongolie
14 jours - 2,350$
Parfum the Mongolie
14 jours - 2,350$


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(+33) 09 70 19 62 83