How to come to Madagascar ? - Détours Madagascar
How to come to Madagascar ?

How to come to Madagascar ?

Madagascar is connect to Paris, Marseille, Nairobi, Johannesburg, Maurice island, Reunion Island, Mayotte, Republic of Comores, Bangkok, Singapour, Guangzhou and Addis Abeba. To book your international flight and if it is necessary your domestic flights, we recommend you to ask our collaborator “Les Matins du Monde” in France, in Lyon.

Servicing and airports

The majority of  international flights lands to international airport of Ivato-Antananarivo [TNR] There is flights connection between Nosy Be, Sainte Marie island, Mahajanga and Reunion Island, Mayotte or Comores.

The airline

From France, the country is served by Air France, Corsair and Air Madagascar, the national airline. Air Austral, French airline based in Reunion Island, offers connection with Reunion Island, Mayotte and Moroni (Comres). South African airline and Kenya Airways served respectively Johannesburg and Nairobi. Air Mauritius insures flights to Maurice Island. Air Madagascar's long haul-flight connect Paris to Antananarivo three times a week, Air France four times a week. International Corsair insures three weekly flights with Antananarivo from Paris between mi-June and mi-July. Air Madagascar insures flights Marseille-Antananarivo. Air Austral can take you to Madagascar via Reunion Island. The direct flight  takes around ten hours and we have to add up twice for flights with stopover.

Domestic flights

Domestic flights are expensive in Madagascar and only one company served te country. The indicative price during inside airplane off-season is +/-200 € Tsaradia, is a new low-cost company and offer tickets less expensive than Air Madagascar. If you want to buy your tickets alone, be careful, the first price not including checked baggage and only 5 kg carry on baggage. Thanks to our collaborator option way, we can book your international and domestic flights.
Lie a ce conseil de voyage
Parfum the Mongolie
14 jours - 2,350$
Parfum the Mongolie
14 jours - 2,350$


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